Experiences UK, and just mingle ;)

This is my story and my first impression living in UK for my master degree and what I am gonna write here is all my experiences based on my point of view.

To begin with my journey from Jakarta to Doha and Manchester afterwards, thanks to all my best friends and every wishes for the good of my future and for human being, I hope.

Once, on my flight from Doha to Manchester, I feel alone, I miss my best friends in a sudden, and I imagine that I am going to Lancaster from Manchester alone in a country I’ve never visited before.

But then I asked my self, I was in the worst circumstances before, I was in the middle of a battle field which I have no idea whether I can leave the field in one piece or not, so why the journey in the UK now supposed to bother me? Or maybe it’s not because of where the place I go, it is more to with whom am I going? As if I went to some places even the most dangerous one, I went there with some other crew, which is a friend of mine, and I feel safe because I have a friend.

Well, whatever I have in mind I finally arrived in Manchester. I know no one here, but the thing that I always believe is just doing good and being good to people and we will find many friends, wherever we are.

In Manchester I met a Malaysian friend who will go to Nottingham, we talked for a while before split up as we have different place to go. I am waiting for a train that will bring me to Lancaster, and to be honest I am a bit shock with the accent I heard here esp. for the train announcement and I was a bit worried if I might go with the wrong train. Thankfully, I met a girl from Australia who will go with the same train as mine although she will go to a different place.

I arrived in Lancaster around 5 or 6 pm, and I stayed at a very warm and lovely bed n breakfast called Shakespeare, a small hostel run by a very nice family typically people from northern UK.

I started to learn about this city and this country as well, enjoy a small city with the uncertain weather as 5 minutes the sun shining and the next 5 minutes you’ll see the rain comes. But all the people I met here, so far are nice and lovely, always called u with the words loves or dear.

Then I remember the story about racism I’ve ever heard, which I’ve ever experienced also in another country, but to be honest here I see people are far away from that. They are just nice and I hope they will always be nice and warm even the weather is cold.

I moved to the university accommodation on Saturday and started that so called mingle with another students from another countries, as I love to make friends. I’ve heard before that usually people will gather with some other who comes from the same region as theirs.

It is my nature that I always analyse everything I see and I experiences. It clear enough for me that it’s us who actually create the idea of being together with people who has similarities with us, such as language, region or else. In my opinion, the reason is very natural, we feel alone in a place we barely knew, then we will try to find people who has similarities so we’re gonna feel we are not alone. And sometimes, we are not confidence enough to be the first to say Hi to other.

And here, I thankfully God for the experiences He gave me in life esp when I work as a journalist in a battlefield, in a place which I never knew whether I am gonna be home safely after all or not. It thought me to easily get in touch with people that I just met and I won’t be shy to be the first to say Hi, coz it is the way to keep you survives in that kind of situation, and this is what I bring about to my daily life.

Even sometimes, I think I am gonna be the one who committed racism if I only make friends with people from the same region as mine, coz why I don’t make friends with another? that’s why I always make friends with everyone. We are all human being who supposed to help each other and socialise with anyone, then there wont be hatred on earth, isn’t it a step forward of creating a better world for people?

Aren’t all of us are living in world that was a dream of Martin Luther King that he said in his speech: “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Well finally, this is only my point of view one thing I always remind my self is do whatever you like and whatever you want, but stay out of your comfort zone, or or you will never make a step up. And the most important thing is, we do that without hurting other people. Cheers…

About mybeautyindonesia

I'm just an ordinary people...

4 responses to “Experiences UK, and just mingle ;)”

  1. dora says :

    Hi,, its really nice to read ur (first) story, and I am absolutely agree about the new places and how we should gather and friendly to everybody. I was lived in Doha almost two years and how things open my mind about other countries. Back to Indonesia, staying in Jakarta which is another new place for me and its really good u knw to have diff friends frm diff background.. 🙂

    keep healthy (since u r far away frm fam)


    • mybeautyindonesia says :

      Hi Dora… Thanks for ur comment. in Indonesia we believe in ” dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit di junjung” means whrever u live u should respect the culture they have there. Enjoy jakrta, hope u have a gorgeous life there, well, except the traffic of course 😉

  2. salwa says :

    nice to know this blog, sempat salah reply ke blognya temen kak desy.
    saya salwa, sedang berusaha dapetin – nyari beasiswa ke UK, OXFORD university for creative writing. nah sbelum itu, pengen deh buat novel biografi singkat kisah perjalanan senior kita dibidang jurnalis ini, miss desy ayu primasari. yang novel itu akan saya ikut sertakan lomba jika sempat, deadlinenya beberapa hari ini sih, karna saya juga baru tau perlombaannya, tapi kalau gak sempat, bisa di re-arrange for another plan. so, im waiting for your respond sis, as soon as possible, if you love my idea 🙂
    ini contact person saya :
    +6282167777 377
    skype: ari.hayati.daud
    fb: ari hayati daud.

    Thank youuuu 🙂
    salam kenal buat pemuda pemudi indonesia, and all ppl in this world 🙂

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